Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Help me find true love

Help me write the word love, sunyiku the pen.
A table frame tied and dusty brown
as if frozen in a sea of ​​words that cold temperatures.
A boat shoots a paper form, on screen teruntuk name.
Pena came back shivering, scraping anxiety:
I love you. Just a puddle of ink is formed
such as bay
sailing the words I say
into the ocean hug.

Help me write the word love with your eyes light
so I found a flame in bed says
or be a moon in the twig twig characters
replacing the dark stab with ghostly romance.
Let me tie your light dim dim
brings together a million sentences in lembarlembar poetry.
Then the figure of speech make me smile
To be more clear meaning
liberating love of the statement
which was never completed.

Or, be ye ocean deep and blue
sentence replace the shallow and rocky.
I crossed the strait lips, wandering
to trough your soul. A shady lagoon windy
A wave splitting trail.
Waves in your eyes.

Zayyine, I recognized the writing on your eyes shaded
and rumble.