Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Students with the teacher

Anto is in elementary school were asked Mrs. Fanny, teacher

Mrs Fanny: Anto, there are 5 ducks foraging in the fields again. If hunters shot,

got one who lives how?

After thinking for a moment, the Anto answered "no rest Ga bu"

Mrs. Fanny asked "why ga there the rest?"

The Anto answered "other flying all in shock"

Mrs. Fanny smiled wisely and said "well, actually that's not the answer. but I like the way

think you "

Anto's not to be outdone "May I ask bu the teacher?"

Mrs Fanny "may"

The Anto "there were three women eating ice cream, one chewed so, which one in the last one bite and lick. question where a married woman? "

Without thinking Mrs Fanny answered "no doubt the licked his ice cream"

The two Anto smile and say "actually married using the wedding ring bu ... .... but I like the way women think "